Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Policy Initiatives

Financial Systems Design

A well-functioning and resilient financial system needs a good mix of institutions that collectively meet the financial intermediation needs of the country, be it individuals, households, businesses, sectors and local governments, while simultaneously enhancing the stability of the system as a whole.

Amulya Neelam Dvara

Amulya Neelam

Senior Research Associate

Deepti George Dvara

Deepti George

Deputy ED and Head of Strategy

Dwijaraj Bhattacharya

Dwijaraj Bhattacharya

Research Manager

Sowmini G Prasad Dvara

Sowmini G Prasad

Research Associate

Latest works

January 15, 2024 | Dvara Research

Several studies have found that the Indian banking sector, while having a large number of players, has monopolistic competition.

By Deepti George, Madhu Srinivas
January 15, 2024 | Dvara Research

Ideas on how to benefit from the account opening momentum and make progress on usage as well.

By Bindu Ananth, Greta Bull
January 15, 2024 | Moneycontrol

Banks not passing on rate cuts points to a lack of intensity in price competition and calls for increasing the number of lenders

By Deepti George, Madhu Srinivas
June 30, 2023 | Dvara Research

The SDG Agenda, the sovereign debt crisis and the climate crisis will need brave leadership from not just individual governments of both the global north and the south, but also groups such as the United Nations, the G20, G7 and others, to closely negotiate tough decisions that can have enough impact on the triple inequality – of wealth, carbon and power.

January 9, 2023 | ThePrint

Low-income households work with irregular income inflows, resulting in shrinking financial planning horizon and necessitating frequent decisions in response to frequent changes.

August 24, 2022 | BQ Prime

Social enterprises will have to conform to much higher standards of reporting than they are conventionally used to. Read more at: Copyright © BQ Prime

By Dr. Indradeep Ghosh, Madhu Srinivas
June 17, 2022 | Dvara Research

In this note, we discuss how the current approach of the PCA framework is inconsistent with the objectives it seeks to achieve.

June 16, 2022 | Moneycontrol

By requiring only limited public reporting on asset quality, banks in India have enjoyed a level of opacity that banks in other jurisdictions do not

May 3, 2022 | Moneycontrol

An RBI Working Group has suggested that lending service providers be disallowed from providing credit enhancements such as FLDG (first-loss-default-guarantee). However, a risk-proportionate regulation of FLDG could address its risks, while allowing the ecosystem to benefit from innovation.

March 14, 2022 | Dvara Research

We presented detailed feedback on the Reserve Bank of India’s Discussion Paper on Review of Prudential Norms for Classification, Valuation and Operations of Investment Portfolio of Commercial Banks in the form of answers to the ten questions posed within the Discussion Paper.

By Amulya Neelam, Madhu Srinivas