Independent Research and Policy Advocacy



Research Paper

Research Paper or Working Paper is the culmination of a research process and critical thinking. Here, we present ...

Research report

Research Report is an output that presents the findings of a research project. It is a written account of the research pro...

Position Paper

Position Paper is an output that captures certain themes that we feel strongly about at Dvara Research. These are ...


Data Brief

A Data Brief is a concise and informative document that summarizes key data findings on a specific topic and is ...

Policy Brief

A Policy Brief is a concise document that summarizes a specific policy issue and offers action-oriented recommend...

Research Brief

Research brief is like a data brief but not necessarily data heavy. Our research briefs synthesize learning of a lit...

Other writings


We produce blogs to discuss new research findings, ongoing projects, and even personal reflections on the research ...

Opinion Editorial

Our opinion editorials are published in newspapers, magazines, and new-age online publications. They are an ...


A primer is an introductory piece that serves as a guide or explains an idea, a concept, or a theory. Our primers may ...

Consultation Response

These are responses we write to documents that are put out by the government or the regulator in the public dom...

Papers In peer reviewed journal

These are papers by members of Dvara Research that get published in academic journals and not on our own website...

Slide Deck

At Dvara Research, we create concise slide decks for specific themes to make research findings and other message...


The Miscellaneous section features a variety of formats that are not covered in other categories.