Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Niyati Agrawal Dvara

Niyati Agrawal

Research Associate
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Niyati is a Research Associate with the Household Finance Research Initiative and Data Analytics Associate at Dvara Research. She completed her Master’s in Economics from Ashoka University, wherein for her dissertation, she worked on developing a theoretical model to study the problem of self-control with respect to social influence.

Prior to joining Dvara Research, she worked with the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, as a Consultant and worked on the collection and compilation of the Index of Industrial Production. Moreover, following her interest in impact based economic research, she interned with ICRIER, McKinsey & Co., and FICCI in the space of Economic Affairs and Effects of Consumer Finance on Financial Inclusion.

Focus policy initiatives

Household Finance



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May 30, 2023 | Dvara Research

This research brief aims to synthesize existing evidence on the performance of PMJJBY and PMSBY since their inception, the reasons for low participation in these schemes, and the barriers to their successful implementation.

February 2, 2023 | Dvara Research
By Niyati Agrawal, Rakshith S. Ponnathpur, Sahana Seetharaman, Misha Sharma
November 22, 2022 | FinDev Gateway

Indian households and businesses hold their wealth primarily in physical assets like real estate, gold, and durables, while barely investing in any financial assets.

By Niyati Agrawal, Rakshith S. Ponnathpur
August 5, 2022 | Dvara Research

In this study, we conduct a quantitative analysis of household finance data to understand the status of health insurance ownership in India, identify the determinants of health insurance ownership, and understand the relationship between households’ access to health insurance and their health expenditure.

April 26, 2022 | Dvara Research

A comparison of household portfolios across two nationally representative survey highlights substantial differences in the ownership of financial assets, while similarities in the incidence of indebtedness.

By Niyati Agrawal, Rakshith S. Ponnathpur, Sahana Seetharaman
February 2, 2022 | Dvara Research

In this slide deck, we cover some of the key insights from the AIDIS 2019 that throw light on the current landscape of household finance in India.

By Niyati Agrawal, Rakshith S. Ponnathpur, Sahana Seetharaman, Misha Sharma
August 9, 2021 | Ideas For India

Impact of information disclosure on consumer behaviour: The case of high-risk bonds

By Niyati Agrawal, Misha Sharma, Madhu Srinivas, Monami Dasgupta, Monika Halan
July 2, 2021 | Dvara Research

In this post, we explore how the households’ surplus changed during the nationwide lockdown imposed to curb the spread of COVID-19

June 3, 2021 | Dvara Research

As part of the 5th Dvara Research Conference on Household Finance primer series, in this post we discuss the theme "Savings and Financial Behavior"

May 6, 2021 | Dvara Research

In this brief, we look at how the financial portfolios of Indian households have changed over time, specifically between 2014 to 2020, using the Consumer Pyramid Household Survey collected and maintained by the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy.

By Niyati Agrawal, Misha Sharma, Harini Ravi