Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Risha Ramachandran Dvara

Risha Ramachandran

Research Consultant
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Risha Ramachandran is a qualitative researcher who is passionate to work in the areas of gender, work and mental health. She has a Master’s in Social work (Mental Health) from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. After her Masters, she worked in a community based mental health project in Mehsana, Gujarat and later developed a curriculum on psycho-social aspects of entrepreneurship for rural women with TISS and UNDP. Prior to Dvara, she was working as a Research Associate with the Institute of Social Studies Trust, Delhi exploring different research methodologies with a focus on informal and gig economy and state policies and frameworks through an intersectional lens.

Focus policy initiatives

Household Finance



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August 28, 2023 | Dvara Research

The study explores the financial lives of platform workers and finding answers to the following questions: do platform workers face volatility in their income and expenses, and how much do their earnings and expenditures vary on a day-to-day basis; how long do they work to earn as much as they would like to; whether and where they save and borrow; what strategies do they adopt to manage their money to meet their day-to-day expenses, raise lump-sums, deal with and recover from shocks; what social protection benefits do they have access to; what their financial goals are; and what barriers exist, if at all, in their pursuit of those goals.

By Rakshith S. Ponnathpur, Risha Ramachandran