Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Winners of Household Finance Research – Call for Research Proposals

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The Household Finance Research Initiative (HFRI) at Dvara Research aims to understand how low-income households use financial and non-financial instruments to attain their objectives. Through this initiative, we aim to generate and catalyse insightful and rigorous research on low-income households that is customer-centric as well as relevant and responsive to the Indian policy context and financial landscape. To further this initiative and encourage collective learning from academic and non-academic research institutions, the Household Finance practice will be conducting a Household Finance Research Conference in mid-2021 in collaboration with Robert Bosch Centre for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (RBCDSAI) at IIT-Madras and Omidyar Network. As part of this conference, we announced a global call for proposals in May 2020.

The initiative is delighted to announce that the response to the call for proposals has been overwhelming as we received over 75 proposals across disciplines of social sciences. After multiple rounds of screening, we have selected a total of 10 research teams (5 proposals under track 1, and 5 proposals under track 2), as the recipients of the grant.

Information on the shortlisted researchers, their profiles, and a brief summary of the project are available here.

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