Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

The 4th Dvara Research Conference on Regulating Data-driven Finance

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The 4th Dvara Research Conference will take place on 5 & 6 April 2019 on the theme of Regulating Data-driven Finance. The motivation for the conference is the rapid digitisation that is changing the experience of finance for Indian consumers, financial institutions and regulators.  On one level, digitisation is creating a convergence: of processes, platforms and financial infrastructure. Simultaneously, it is also driving divergence in the form of the “unbundling” — of financial products, and of traditional financial institutions themselves.

In India, these changes are taking place within the context of a “digital divide”, where many low-income consumers experience, variable levels and quality of access to technology and finance. Against the backdrop of these innovations, several foundational questions for financial regulation arise including the question: where should the boundaries of regulation lie?

To debate some of these problems and discuss workable solutions, we invite a carefully curated group of participants to reflect on the sub-themes of the conference. The agenda for the 4th Dvara Research Conference is available here.

The full conference website with details on the theme of the conference, participants and related materials is accessible here. Following the completion of the conference, detailed proceedings will be published here.

Video below: Bindu Ananth providing an overview of the conference:

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