Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Marking-up India’s Personal Data Protection Bill: Encouraging citizen and consumer participation

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India’s Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019 (the Bill) was introduced in Parliament in December 2019, and is currently under consideration by a Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) of MPs. As the Bill goes through the final stages of the Parliamentary process, we are keen to ask: How can the Bill help us create a more effective and consumer-friendly data protection framework suitable to India’s unique context?

To help answer this question, we launch an interactive website presenting our “mark – up” of the Bill to support our vision for better consumer protection, as set out in our response to the JPC.

The resource shows various clauses of the Bill, and how it could change to support more consumer data protection while enabling innovation. It is also built specifically to invite comments and interaction from readers. We invite your active participation on the website to create a constructive community-wide engagement to help contribute to discussions around the Bill in its final stages.

How would you “mark-up” this Bill? Do you agree with our suggestions? Please visit the site and use the comment boxes in the interactive document to let us know!

The Future of Finance Initiative at Dvara Research has been deeply engaged with public discourse around consumer data protection, and the progress of these proposals for a new data protection law since 2017. Given our commitment to consumer protection and financial inclusion in a rapidly digitising financial services context, we have been consistently advocating for a consumer-friendly privacy framework  to protect users’ data and rights. We welcome your comments on this interactive site for the Bill, and broader engagement on how we can imagine a more inclusive and secure digital and financial system for individuals in India. 

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