Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Policy Initiatives

Household Finance

Dvara Research’s Household Finance Research initiative aims to rigorously understand the financial choices and decisions of low-income or excluded individuals and households, and their relation to achieving households’ objectives. It has been our consistent endeavour to study financial inclusion as a gateway to a suite of appropriate financial services eventually enabling well-rounded household balance sheets and consumer financial well-being.

Misha Sharma Dvara

Misha Sharma

Head - Household Finance

Natasha D’cruze Dvara

Natasha D’cruze

Research Associate

Niyati Agrawal Dvara

Niyati Agrawal

Research Associate

Priyadarshini Ganesan Dvara

Priyadarshini Ganesan

Senior Research Associate

Risha Ramachandran Dvara

Risha Ramachandran

Research Consultant

Latest works

May 9, 2010 | Dvara Research

The Wealth Management Cross-Functional Team (comprising Amit Shah, Deepti George, Shilpa Sathe, Nitin Chaudhary, Suyash Rai, Bhaskar, Chandrachudan, Viji, Anil, Dave and Bindu)

By Dvara Research
May 7, 2010 | Dvara Research

After the successful completion of the first phase of our Chit Fund Research, Small Enterprise Finance Centre (SEFC) is entering into the second phase that involves 3 year long, rigorous, on-the-ground experiments.

By Preethi Rao
April 20, 2010 | Dvara Research

An article in The Hindu a few months back by P. Sainath stated that migrants from Ganjam staying in Surat send home Rs.400 crore a year.

By Vijayalakshmi C, Shilpa Sathe
April 6, 2010 | Dvara Research

Given the scope of Microfinance in India, it is imperative to measure access and impact of finance to understand its benefits and challenges.

By Anita Sharma, Natalie Colatosti
September 4, 2009 | The Wall Street Journal

The power of finance to transform the lives of the poor is not well understood.

By Suyash Rai, Sona Varma