Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

A Framework for Detecting Over-indebtedness and Monitoring Indian Credit Markets

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Excessive debt negatively affects households and can diminish any developmental gains from such debt. It also dampens a nation’s economic growth and threatens its financial stability. India has had a checkered history of having experienced outbreaks of localised or regional borrower distress. Given that signs of borrower distress are raising their head most recently in the eastern and north-eastern states of India, there is a clear and urgent need for systematic course-correction. The regular off-site reporting formats currently deployed by the RBI for both NBFCs and banks are inadequate to shed light on the health of credit markets. Also, these formats are not able to capture the extent of indebtedness in the population. Thus, in this policy brief, we propose a Framework through which the RBI may simultaneously monitor Indian credit markets and detect the prevalence of over-indebtedness. Initially presented in our earlier report titled “Detecting Over-Indebtedness while Monitoring Credit Markets in India”, the Framework was developed after a study of the literature on the subject, analysis of international best practices, and a study of all RBI-mandated regular off-site reporting formats.

Read the full report here.

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