Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Tweet Chat with Dr. Nachiket Mor

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On January 7th, 2014 the RBI published the Report of the Committee on Comprehensive Financial Services (CCFS) for Small Businesses and Low Income Households chaired by Dr. Nachiket Mor, which was set-up to articulate a framework for financial inclusion in India. The Committee in its final report has outlined its vision for full financial inclusion and financial deepening in India, which broadly involves:

  • Universal Electronic Bank Account (UEBA)
  • Universal Access to Payment points
  • Sufficient Access to Affordable Formal Credit
  • Universal Access to Investment & Risk Management
  • Right to Suitability

(Watch Dr. Nachiket Mor talk about the report)

The report has generated tremendous interest and there has already been a lot of debate on its recommendations.

On Monday, January 20th, 2014 from 19:30 to 20:30 IST, we will be hosting Dr. Nachiket Mor (@nachiketmor) for a one-hour tweet chat about the report and specific aspects of it. Join us to ask your questions and engage in a conversation about the report with Dr. Mor using the #askCCFS hashtag.


  • Login to twitter
  • Follow @IFMRTrust for tweets and updates about the chat
  • During the chat use Twitter Search or an application like TweetDeck or Hootsuite to follow the #askCCFS hashtag
  • Participate in the discussion by tagging your tweets with #askCCFS


  • You can check the event timings in your city by clicking here.
  • Don’t forget to use the #askCCFS hashtag in your tweets

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