Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Incremental Adoption of Managed Competition in Germany

In this paper, we document the experience of Germany’s SHI system with managed competition and the challenges faced by this sub-system in faithfully implementing the principles of managed competition as originally envisioned by Enthoven.


In this series’s of blog posts, we will provide challenges and gaps in the BoCW Act implementation and highlight the viewpoints of multiple stakeholders in the BoCW Act registration and service delivery.

Announcing Call for Proposal – Voice of Aggrieved Customers (VoAC)

The Centre for Customer Protection is announcing a call for proposals for the Voice of the Aggrieved Customer (VoAC) project, under the auspices of CPP. The Centre invites Consumer Groups, Self-Regulatory Organisations (SRO), industry associations, Financial Service Providers (FSPs) including digital FSPs, DFS agents and business correspondents, financial planners/advisors, investigative journalists, institutional and independent academicians, research institutions/think-tanks and scholars to submit proposals to document authentic experiences of customers, in the context of digital financial services and customer protection.