Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

IFMR Capital completes its largest Multi-Originator securitisation transaction

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IFMR Capital recently structured and arranged two Microloan Securitisation transactions – Aether IFMR Capital 2011 involving a single originator Grameen Financial Services Private Limited (Grameen Koota) and MOSEC 7, a multi-originator securitisation transaction involving seven Non-Banking Finance Companies.

Mosec 7

On September 7 2011, IFMR Capital concluded a Rs. 511 million multi-originator microloan securitisation backed by 49,881 microloans originated by seven Non-Banking Finance Company (NBFC)-Micro Finance Institutions (MFI), namely Asirvad Microfinance Private Limited, Disha Microfin Pvt. Ltd, Mimoza Enterprises Finance Pvt. Ltd., Satin Creditcare Network Limited , Suryoday Micro Finance Pvt. Limited, SV Creditline Private Limited and Utkarsh Micro Finance Private Limited. IFMR Capital Mosec VII, the SPV, issued two tranches of securities rated by ICRA: 85% senior tranche rated A1-LBBB+ (SO) and Series A2-Unrated.

The senior tranche has been subscribed by a Bank and HNI’s and Junior Tranche by IFMR Capital.

This is the biggest Multi Originator transaction arranged and structured by IFMR Capital involving 7 high quality Originators.

The structure created by IFMR Capital ensures that the incentives of the originator, servicer and the structurer are aligned. While the originators and servicers, provides cash collateral as first loss, the structurer, IFMR Capital, has invested in the subordinated junior tranche. The cash collateral and the subordination of payments to junior tranche in the waterfall mechanism ensure that the senior investor is protected against losses and any first loss is borne by the originators and the second loss by the structurer.

Aether IFMR Capital 2011

The Rs. 239 million single-originator securitisation transaction was completed with Grameen Financial Services Private Ltd also popularly known as Grameen Koota. Aether IFMR Capital 2011, the SPV, issued two tranches of securities backed by 23,108 microloans that were originated by Grameen Koota. Non-Banking Financial Institutions subscribed to the senior ICRA A- rated tranche and IFMR Capital invested in the subordinated ICRA BB+ rated piece.

This is the eighth capital market transaction for Grameen Koota with IFMR Capital.

The originator and servicer, Grameen Koota, provides cash collateral of 10% of the pool principal, while the structurer, IFMR Capital, has invested in the subordinated junior tranche. As in the above transaction, the waterfall mechanism ensures that here, the senior investor is protected against losses up to Rs. 240 million and any first loss is borne by the originator and the second loss by the structurer.

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2 Responses

  1. Congrats on these transactions in a challenging environment. Particularly exciting to see several first time capital mkts participants in the mosec. Expanding the pool of high quality originators is integral to achieving full financial inclusion.

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