Independent Research and Policy Advocacy

Designing a Universal and Comprehensive Social Security Floor for Informal Sector Workers

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In this policy brief, we examine the provisions of the Code on Social Security Bill, 2019 insofar as they apply to workers in the informal sector. We note that there is a lack of clarity in the Bill on the defini�on of an informal sector worker. The Bill refers to those in establishments with fewer than ten workers as unorganised sector workers. It also contains a defini�on of “wage worker” and “pla�orm worker.” Neither of these terms encompass the large numbers of workers – including those with regular wages – who lack the protec�on of any form of social security net. We also note that the Bill, as it stands, does not provide for any enforceable rights for those in the informal sector; rather, the Bill provides that welfare for the informal sector will be delivered by way of schemes framed by the State and Central government.

Read the full report here.

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