What is the ‘Jan Dhan Account-Aadhaar-Mobile’ trinity & has it aided India’s war on poverty?
‘JAM’ trinity facilitates direct benefit transfers of welfare subsidies into bank accounts of poor, but teething issues have kept the programme from realising its true potential.
Lessons from the CoWIN experience
CoWIN has been developed as a digital platform to support Covid-19 vaccination efforts in India. While most are familiar with the interface for citizens to book vaccination slots, CoWIN also supports multiple other functions.
The Actors and Operations of a Digital Delivery Platform: CoWIN
In this post, we analyse CoWIN, a digtial platform which facilates India’s vaccination effort
Moving to Offline and On-Spot CoWIN Registration: Away from the Not-so-Common Service Centres
In this blog post, we attempt to unpack a crucial question, how effective could the CSC model of facilitating vaccine registration be?
Aadhaar Related Delay in Obtaining Ration Card: A Case Study in Exclusion
This casestudy showcases exclusion from the PDS leading to further exclusion from COVID-19 relief efforts targeted at ration cardholders
Delivery Protocols in Aadhaar-enabled PDS: A Closer Look at Southern States in India
In this blog post, we discuss the processes involved in the last-mile delivery of Aadhaar-enabled Public Distribution System (AePDS) in five states of Southern India
Transaction failure rates in the Aadhaar enabled Payment System: Urgent issues for consideration and proposed solutions
This policy brief identifies serious categories of transaction failures in the Aadhaar enabled Payment System or AePS in India together with solutions for urgent discussion
Fix the problems in Aadhaar-based cash transactions
Cash withdrawals through micro ATMs have surged in the wake of covid-related disruptions. But a considerable number of these transactions fail, thus worsening the pain of the vulnerable sections.
Last-mile issues can make or break the promise of Aadhaar
These avoidable implementation challenges on account of Aadhaar can be significantly resolved by a clear legal articulation of permissible uses of Aadhaar through suitable amendments.
Aadhaar’s potential for financial inclusion
We are within striking distance of every Indian having access to a bank account and being able to easily send and receive payments