Independent Research and Policy Advocacy



The Miscellaneous section features a variety of formats that are not covered in other categories. It includes presentations, informal write-ups, brief commentaries, book reviews, notes etc.

November 6, 2020 | Future of Finance Initiative

Through this blogpost, we release the Conference Proceedings for the Fourth Dvara Research Conference, 2019 on the theme of “Regulating Data-driven Finance”

March 14, 2018 | Finance Research Group YouTube
February 1, 2017

The Watal Committee report was released to make recommendations about Digital Payments in India. The report is titled: “Medium Term Recommendations to Strengthen Digital Payments Ecosystem”

September 19, 2013 | IFMR Finance Foundation

This note highlights the need for active and deep debt capital markets, both fixed income and derivative markets in India.

By Sucharita Mukherjee
September 4, 2013 | Dvara Research

This note assesses the state of the Indian banking system including its small overall size and high concentration risk, poor indicators of financial inclusion and depth, opaque balance sheets, weak profitability, and highly covariant strategies followed by government-owned banks.

By Bindu Ananth, Vineet Sukumar
August 31, 2012

The principal goal of this conference series is to create a platform to discuss issues of significant importance to the future of the Indian financial system that interested researchers in India as well as elsewhere can start to explore and present solutions for.

By Dr. Nachiket Mor
September 12, 2011 | Dvara Research

Mr N Vaghul, chairman emeritus of ICICI Bank, recently delivered the Talwar Memorial Lecture on the topic “The Future of Finance in India”.

By Mr. N. Vaghul
January 19, 2011 | Reserve Bank of India

The Reserve Bank of India has released on its website the Report of the Sub-Committee of the Central Board of Directors of Reserve Bank of India to Study Issues and Concerns in the MFI Sector.