Independent Research and Policy Advocacy



The Miscellaneous section features a variety of formats that are not covered in other categories. It includes presentations, informal write-ups, brief commentaries, book reviews, notes etc.

December 10, 2010 | Dvara Research

In this paper, we present two stylized models of the financial system. We make the case that in order to realize the potential of a well-functioning complete financial market, financial system designers and financial service providers will need to think about ways to deliver financial propositions that are customized to individual households by responding to their unique circumstances.

By Dr. Nachiket Mor, Suyash Rai, Bindu Ananth, Dvara Research
October 19, 2009 | Dvara Research

The IFMR Trust is interested in finding practical solutions to challenges faced in the delivery of services across the areas in which it is involved.

By Dvara Research